2020 Roundup Gallery

2020 Roundup Gallery: Barry VanHouten & Matt Clancy
The biggest silver salmon, 12.1 lbs, was landed by Barry VanHouton and Matt Clancy scored the largest lingcod at 49 lbs.

2020 Roundup Gallery: Tim McDonnell & Kerry McDonnell
Tim McDonnell and Kerry McDonnell both reeled in two massive halibuts, 159 and 119 lbs.

2020 Roundup Gallery: Steve Wallace with his group
Steve Wallace caught and released a halibut weighing 150 lbs.

2020 Roundup Gallery: The Strawbridge Group

2020 Roundup Gallery: Harry Wilson & the Bessire group
Harry Wilson reeled in a halibut over 100-pounds (not featured) and the Bessire group with their halibut catch

2020 Roundup Gallery: Serena and Steve Golis
Serena Golis reeled in a halibut over 100lbs.

2020 Roundup Gallery: Rebecca Writt & Greg Becker
Rebecca Writt with her King of the Day catch and Greg Becker with his 42-pound lingcod.
2020 Season Roundup
It’s been a bit of a whirlwind season, but a great one. The king salmon came in strong, the first couple of weeks with 4 King of the Day king salmon weighing over 40 lbs and two more in August. Looking over the whole season, the average King of the Day weight was 31 lbs.
The King of King Salmon Tournament winner results will be carefully reviewed before announcing King of the Season (1 wins $10,000), Kings of the Week (5 win return trips for 3 nights), and Silvers of the Month (2 win $2500 each). There will be a drawing from all the KOD winners to award $10,000 to one lucky person whose name is drawn. The final announcements will be in late-September after confirming with the winning guests.
Three guests brought in lingcods 40 lbs and over. Congrats to each! Lingcod is lobster-like in texture and delicious.
- Matt Clancy – 49 lbs
- Greg Becker – 41.8 lbs
- Parker Burch – 40 lbs.
We also enjoyed some big and plentiful halibut. Topping the halibut leaderboard is Tim McDonnell, who reeled in an impressive halibut weighing 158 lbs, and Steve Wallace, who caught (and released) a massive 150-pounder, congrats! There were six others who came in 100 pounds or more: Vanin Parker, Greg Becker, Harry Wilson, Kyle Furutani, Kerry McDonnell and Serena Golis. It’s a bit like landing a huge, wet carpet so these are no easy feats!
The biggest derby silvers came in over 10 pounds to 11 pounds. However, the biggest, 12.1 lbs, was landed by Barry VanHouton who was not in the tournament. We’re sorry, Barry!
First-time guest, Rebecca Writt, became a two-time winner. First, she won her first trip fishing in Alaska with us at a nonprofit auction. Then, she went on to win King of the Day on the last full day of fishing this season! We love our nonprofits and the guests who come in their support.
Thank you to all our guests who always make the summer fun for our crew and who keep us on our toes. We look forward to seeing each of you again.