Winner Winner
Wow! This past season’s Guest Photo Contest received the largest number of incredible guest photos ever! 140 photos were submitted! Thank you! So many were great! Did you go to our Facebook album or Instagram Highlights to see them and vote?
There were so many wonderful photos, we actually decided to add a fourth category – Boats! This year, we will be awarding 4 Gift Certificates of $150 in our General Store.
Without further delay, here are the winners for 2022:
- Boats Category: Des Petersen for her “View Heading Out”
“This was my first time to the resort, and I was almost 6 months pregnant! Ken Garff Automotive Group brings a team every year from across the United States, and this year 6 women went. The whole experience was amazing, from the float plane ride to the walk to the waterfall with bear and deer, to the fun of fishing and sharing stories at the Lagoon Saloon. Plus, the food was great, and we each went home with 75 lbs of fish!” - Fishing Category: TJ Larosa for his “Fishing Alaska with Buds”
- “My family has been up multiple times, and I finally was able to join them for the first time. It was amazing! Even though we had rain, the memories are great. Still got my stepdad to share that smile in the photo along with many others the whole trip.”
- Nature Category: Nic Davidson for his “Bald Eagle,” one of several he submitted all being notable for their in-action flight.
“I’ve was fortunate to visit Waterfall Resort with my work family, Strawbridge Studios, Inc. last July. Every time I have been to Waterfall the experience surpasses the previous trip, and last year was no exception-we limited out in fish every day! The memories made with our group is something I will cherish my entire life. Waterfall Resort is second to none. From the amazing staff, the guides, the wildlife and scenery, and of course the fishing; this place never ceases to amaze.” - Resort Category: Lisa Thompson-Clapp for her “Colors of the Night.”
“This was my first time, and I was lucky because my friend’s husband couldn’t go with the group, so I could! Tony, our guide, kept us fishing hard which was new for me, but I’m glad because we still have a freezer full of fish. Those halibut simply do NOT want to come up from the bottom, so I got some exercise! One of my favorite sightings from the boat was a black bear swimming across an inlet between islands. Really cool!”
Each year, we encourage ALL our guests to enter, so please, make a note to enter when you visit us. We’re so lucky to share the fun, adventure and beauty that Alaska generously gives every guest.
Be sure to visit either our Facebook album or view the highlights on our Instagram profile, @waterfallresortalaska, to see all the photos!
Let’s Go Fishing!