Hooked on Halibut
Along with salmon and lingcod, Pacific halibut, aka Hippoglossus stenolepis, ranks among the top sport fish here in Southeast Alaska. And we're pleased to announce that we are offering our popular Bonus Halibut Tag program again this coming season. This program allows you to keep one additional halibut per tag—of any size. So how does the program work? Waterfall Resort leases commercial halibut quota from Commercial Fishermen in Alaska to convert into these tags. A Bonus Halibut Tag adds these extra benefits:
- Keep one additional halibut per tag (State of Alaska charter limit is one halibut per day).
- Bonus halibut may be of any size (State of Alaska charter limit restricts halibut size)
- Each guest may purchase and use up to one Bonus Halibut Tag for each day of their trip.
- Bonus Halibut Tags may be shared with any other guest on the same boat.
- Bonus Halibut Tags not used one day roll over to the next day and remain valid through the end of the season or August 31’st, whichever comes first, or until used.
As many of you know, tags sell out fast, so you may wish to add yours to your booking now. We'll also be running a waiting list to fill orders on a first-come, first-served basis as inventory allows. And by the way, the Waterfall halibut record to beat is 366.8 pounds.
The largest of the flatfish, Pacific halibut are bottom-dwellers that thrive at depths to 3,600 feet and can grow to more than a quarter ton and lengths nearing the height of an elephant. Last season, Michael Schunk of Las Vegas, Nevada, took the top spot on the halibut leaderboard with a 239.4-pounder. Factoring in the culinary yield post fish processing, that's over 100 pounds worth of tasty fillets for the freezer.
Contact us to book the ultimate fishing trip and reserve your Bonus Halibut Tag!
Let's go fishing!