Just for the Halibut
Have you seen some of the monster Pacific halibut that have been landed at our resort? Last season Austin Lev landed a 200 pound one and released it. If he had kept it, and factoring in the culinary yield post fish processing, that's about 100 pounds worth of tasty fillets for the freezer!
With a halibut tag you may keep an extra halibut a day of any size. Would you like to take such a monster back to the dock, have pics taken and enjoy the meat (that is so hard to find in stores)? Or maybe you simply love halibut and want to keep that extra one you landed, regardless of size, that’s beyond the daily limit.
We're pleased to announce that we're offering our popular Bonus Halibut Tag program right now. So how does the program work? Waterfall Resort buys commercial halibut quota in order to add these extra benefits for guests who purchase them (limited number of tags available):
- Keep one additional halibut per tag (State of Alaska charter limit is one halibut per day).
- Bonus halibut may be of any size (State of Alaska charter limit restricts halibut size)
- Each guest may purchase and use up to one Bonus Halibut Tag for each day of their trip.
- Bonus Halibut Tags may be shared with any other guest on the same boat.
- Bonus Halibut Tags not used one day roll over to the next day and remain valid for 2023 season until used.
As many of you know, tags sell out fast, so you may wish to add yours to your booking now. If you have not already got on the Tag Waitlist. let us know and we can add it to your booking, or book now and get on the list. Most guests requesting tags now will get one, but if you wait until May they will be sold out.
Make sure to book your tag soon!
The largest of the flatfish, Pacific halibut are bottom dwellers that thrive at depths to 3,600 feet and can grow to more than a quarter ton and lengths nearing the height of an elephant. Those who have pulled up some of the monsters have compared the feat to dragging up a wet carpet from the bottom of the ocean. Quite a feat! The Waterfall halibut record to beat is 366.8 pounds.
Let’s Go Fishing!