New Photo Contest Category
Waterfall Resort’s legendary fishing, awe-inspiring wildlife, rugged wilderness setting, and good times with family and friends is always best-captured in images by our guests. This year, we’re adding video.
With the great technologies like our phones and GoPro, not to mention drones, we decided to open the photo contest to include videos. There is one category for all videos, and one winner will be chosen according to quality of video as well as popularity with voting. Voting will occur on YouTube, of course, as well as our other social media, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
It’s a chance to really have some fun and to use your creativity as to what becomes the topic for your video. Would it be a great testimonial about landing a 200 lb halibut, or could it be the surprise and pleasure one of your boat-mates experiences when landing their very first king salmon? Maybe it’s a video of a humpback breach or an Orca pod, or even those convocations of bald eagles diving for fish alongside your boat. It certainly could be catching that bear up ahead that steps aside so you can finish your walk to the waterfall.
Of course, we’ll still have the 3 categories for still photography: Fishing, Nature, and Resort. Winners for each of those 3 categories plus video will be awarded $150 gift certificates from our General Store, plus recognition in our newsletter and on social media.
There are more details on our website page, so please check that before entering. All entries must be through the website.
Then, have fun, and share it with everyone through pictures and video.
Let’s Go Viral!