Ready, Set, Vote!
Guest photos are the best because they show the fun, beauty and adventure in action of the people who count – our guests! It’s always so gratifying to see the entries each year. This year, 95 photos were submitted by 21 guests. They are all uploaded on a Facebook photo album and in Instagram posts @waterfallresortalaska (10 photos per post) for you to see and “like.” Your “likes” are counted as votes.
Voting ends January 15, 2022. By February 1, we will announce the winners. Winners for each of 3 categories, Fishing Nature and Resort, will be awarded $150 gift certificates from our General Store, plus recognition in our newsletter and on social media.
Regarding video, unfortunately, we have experienced several technical problems getting videos to properly upload onto our website and in social media. For those of you who submitted video, please email video files to robin@waterfallresort.com. We’ll extend the deadline for voting for videos once we have all the submitted files uploaded and ready for voting.
Have fun viewing and voting!