King-Sized Fun in June
In our neck of Alaska, June is when the Kings arrive, King or Chinook salmon that is. All our guests, throughout the season, are considered kings and queens, of course.
We’re taking a look at the past 3 years of June fishing (excluding 2020) to see what it means for monster kings to arrive in our waters.
Just last season, within just 3 weeks, we saw five kings over 40 pounds! On June 21, a new guest, Tom Williams, caused quite a stir on the docks with his whopping 44.1 lb king salmon!
The first week of July brought in 3 more Kings of the Day (KODs) over 40 pounds. On July 2, Ara Goll, who has been coming every year with his dad since he was 10 years old and is now 19, landed a 46.2 pounder! July 3, first-time guest, Valerie Holloway landed a 40.2 lb chinook. The next day, on July 4, we celebrated another first-time guest, Lloyd Bolton, and his 44.7 lb king salmon.
In 2021, a new guest, Robert Calhoun, who had not joined in our King of Kings Salmon Tournament, docked a 42.4 lb chinook on June 20! Had he joined, he would have won King of the Week and a return trip! Instead, he enjoyed the excitement of the day, the great stories of the catch and and the delicious salmon he took home. The next largest King of the season was caught by Jerzy Poprawa, 41.3 lbs, on July 2! Other Kings of the Week ranged from 30 to 33 lbs during June and early July.
In 2019, Jackson Risher, his first year, landed a 43.3 lb king on June 30, hooking Jackson to return the following 3 years for more. There were 8 more kings landed in June that were 35 lbs to 39.8 lbs by Andrea Jimenez, Matt Medina, Corey Levert, Steve Hopkins, Dixie Retherford, Mike Day, Jay Risher and Matt Matson.
All King of the Day (KOD) winners, regardless of the size of king salmon, get entered into the season-end drawing for a brand-new Ford F-150 truck! Plus, there are return trips for King of the Week not to mention the $10,000 grand prize for the largest king of the season.
Of course, guests enjoy pulling in silvers (coho), halibut, lingcod and a host of varied rockfish in addition to the kings. Alaska grows them all big, although different sizes according to the species. For more details on the each species of fish, when they arrive, sizes, and limits, here’s our fish chart.
Call us to assure you make June memories not to be rivaled. 800-544-5125
Let’s Go Fishing!